Date: June 12 2024

My Work Is Never Done

I did a bit of an overhaul on some of my pages. Namely the main page on weebleism, the husbandoism main page, and the Gojo shrine. With my new heightened wisdom I was able to see some of the bigger issues and tidied some of the CSS. It was a bit embarassing but it just means I'm learning :)

I also realized I never explained how I categorize my sites in the last entry whoops! For the time being I have:

Weebleism: This site which acts as my personal blog/backstage area to all the sites I host. Where I go mask-off and do as I please while giving insight and updates to my other projects

Husbandoism: The "main dish" and where I put most of my effort into. For fangirling over anime dudes and maybe other stuff if I feel like it.

Splatoonism: As I said in my last entry, a site that acts as a shrine and hub for my dealings with Splatoon.

They're all under the husbandoism domain but I may give some their own special domain if I wanna lean into that someday.

In the interim, I've taken a bit of a break to just not do webshit. Just wanna pace myself more and not shirk my other responsibilities.

The problem I'm starting to face is the burden of expanding and trying to retroactively update some of the older pages and I'm considering trying to incorporate dynamic elements and frameworks

At first, you think you just need an html and a css file and your done. But then you have ideas that turn into ambition that turn into projects that turn into more work.

It's exhausting but being able to step back from the easle and you the complete work on canvas is the best. You still need to try to reign things in and take breaks though.

Maybe I should interact with other webadmins more. Get some advice and just network a lil. Idk I'm tired and just wanted others to be mindful of this fact.