Date: May 29 2024

A Peek Behind The Curtain

Hello again! I've done another round of update and felt it necessary to comment on the current state of things.

It's been over a month since I set out to make a website and I can definitely say it was worth it! It's pretty nifty to be able to have a little spot to express myself.

Sharing your twitter profile is cool but dropping your website domain? That's next level. Everything I care to share is right here for people to explore in a hopefully interesting way. Much better than seeing what inane shit I posted on the Fediverse recently. (No shade to fedi I love it there and social media should be like that)

I just tend to be very verbose and abstract with my thoughts and interests so having websites with multiple pages and sections feels adequate for telling the world who I am.

And I'm gonna add more! The biggest pie in the kitchen right now is my Splatoon shrine/Free Agent Post/Clip Library/Rant Archive. One of my biggest projects yet which means it's going to be a while til it's ready to serve at the table. I've already have the layouts for half the pages done, so it's only a matter of completing the other half and filling all the pages with content.

It's fun trying to mimic the splatoon style but I'm trying to be creative with it too.

Other projects that I have kinda started but haven't fully committed too/still in the idea stage are Webrings! I plan on making two; a meme one and a serious one. Don't want to divulge too much information on that but I have it on the backburner as I work on my other stuff.

A future project that I don't plan on starting until the splatpage is up is a Cancer Crew Shrine. Cancer Crew being what fans call the group of youtubers consisting of: FilthyFrank, iDubbbz, MaxMoeFoe, and Anything4Views. If it wasn't obvious with the three George Miller songs on my homepage, I'm a big fan of FilthyFrank and his collabs with the cancer crew. It was a part of where my humor developed from (unfortunately...) and was some of the best content on Youtube.

I just have so many ideas yet so little energy....